Why Le Maple - Le Maple German Academy
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Le Maple German Academy


Why we are best?


Even if you are a total beginner, we can help you reach A1 Level in 40, A2 in 60, B1 in 80 and B2 in 120 hours.

Learn from Expert Trainers

At Le Maple German language courses are taught by teachers who are experts at teaching German as a foreign language .

Excellent Learning and Exam Preparation Materials

We provide PDF copies of hundreds of German learning books and past exam questions and answers to accelerate your German learning.

Learn German at your Convenience

You can learn German online via Zoom or Skype at anytime of the day.We have trainers available from 5 am to 10 pm, 7 days a week.


Exam Success Assured Training

At Le Maple we provide one hundred percent exam oriented training from day one so that you pass the proficiency exam in your first attempt. 


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Our mission is to provide world-class German language education, translation, and intercultural services through the use of best-in-class teaching approaches developed by senior specialists. At Lemaple, we believe in not only teaching the language but also incorporating local cultural experiences to assist a large community of professionals, students, business executives, and foreign nationals in settling into their new country.

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