Goethe Exam Preparation - Le Maple German Academy
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Le Maple German Academy


Goethe Zertifikat A1

The Goethe Exam Preparation Course is meant for candidates who are new to learning German. In this course you acquire a good grounding in German which will enable you to – use and understand simple sentences, talk about your basic needs, introduce and answer questions about yourself and ask others questions about them. With us you learn everything you will need to know for your Goethe A1 Exam – its structure, content, format and exam strategies. 

Goethe Zertifikat A2

In the Goethe Zertifikat A2 Exam Preparation Course you learn elementary German language skills which will help you understand sentences and commonly used expressions related to your everyday life.By the end of the course you will find it easy to communicate in German in everyday life situations and have short conversations about familiar and popular topics in an exam situation. 

Goethe Zertifikat B1

The Goethe Zertifikat B1 is a German language proficiency exam for young people and adults who already have a basic knowledge of German and who want to move to Germany for work or higher studies. 

By reaching the B1 level you can communicate in important situations in life,ranging from work to study to free time.You can describe your experiences,dreams,hopes and goals and provide brief explanations in German. 

Goethe Zertifikat B2

Upon completing this course you will be able to understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics.You will find it easy to express yourself on a wide range of topics in a clear and detailed manner as well as explaining your position on a current issue,mentioning the various benefits and drawbacks relating to it.

Unique Teaching Method

Proven Track Record

Assured Exam Success

Qualified Trainers


Goethe zertifikat is further divided into four modules, A1, A2, B1 and B2.

Table of Articles

Table of Articles (indefinite article)

Articles – Nominative / Accusative



Irregular Verbs

Noun – Endings (male / female / neuter)

Noun / Plural / Endings


Personal Pronouns

Possessive Article

Possessive Article: mein – my

Possessive Article: dein – your

Possessive Article: sein – his

Possessive Article: unser – our

Possessive Article: euer – your

Possessive Article: ihr – your

Possessive Article: Ihr – your (formal)

Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

Prepositions / Accusative

Prepositions / Dative

Prepositions / Genitive

Prepositions – am – im – um

Prepositions – local (German)

Prepositions – temporal (German)

Pronouns (German)

Reflexive Verbs



Verbs – haben (to have) / sein (to be)

Verbs – Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

Verbs + Preposition

Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

Verbs – sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

Verbs – werden (become / be)

Seperable Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

 Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a – b

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: c – f

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k – m

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n – r

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s – sch

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se – st

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t – v

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w – z

Irregular Verbs / Exercises

Adjective Endings

Table of Articles

Table of Articles (indefinite article)

Articles – Nominative / Accusative


Conditional Sentences – wenn …

Conjunctions – wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl


Future I

Future II

Irregular Verbs

one of the … / einer der …

Noun – Endings (male / female / neuter)

Noun / Plural / Endings


Personal Pronouns

Possessive Article

Possessive Article: mein – my

Possessive Article: dein – your

Possessive Article: sein – his

Possessive Article: unser – our

Possessive Article: euer – your

Possessive Article: ihr – your

Possessive Article: Ihr – your (formal)

Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

Prepositions / Accusative

Prepositions / Dative

Prepositions / Genitive

Prepositions – am – im – um

Prepositions – local (German)

Prepositions – temporal (German)

Pronouns (German)

Reflexive Verbs

Relative Pronouns



Verbs – haben (to have) / sein (to be)

Verbs – Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

Verbs + Preposition

Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

Verbs – sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

Verbs – werden (become / be)

Seperable Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a – b

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: c – f

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k – m

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n – r

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s – sch

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se – st

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t – v

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w – z

Irregular Verbs / Exercises

Adjective Endings

Table of Articles

Table of Articles (indefinite article)

Articles – Nominative / Accusative


Conditional Sentences – wenn …

Conjunctions – wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl


Future I

Future II

Irregular Verbs

one of the … / einer der …

Noun – Endings (male / female / neuter)

Noun / Plural / Endings


Personal Pronouns

Possessive Article

Possessive Article: mein – my

Possessive Article: dein – your

Possessive Article: sein – his

Possessive Article: unser – our

Possessive Article: euer – your

Possessive Article: ihr – your

Possessive Article: Ihr – your (formal)

Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

Prepositions / Accusative

Prepositions / Dative

Prepositions / Genitive

Prepositions – am – im – um

Prepositions – local (German)

Prepositions – temporal (German)

Pronouns (German)

Reflexive Verbs

Relative Pronouns



Verbs – haben (to have) / sein (to be)

Verbs – Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

Verbs + Preposition

Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

Verbs – sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

Verbs – werden (become / be)

Seperable Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a – b

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: c – f

 Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k – m

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n – r

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s – sch

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se – st

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t – v

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w – z

Irregular Verbs / Exercises

Adjective Endings

Table of Articles

Table of Articles (indefinite article)

Articles – Nominative / Accusative


Conditional Sentences – wenn …

Conjunctions – wenn, als, weil, deshalb, damit, trotzdem, obwohl


Future I

Future II

Irregular Verbs

one of the … / einer der …

Noun – Endings (male / female / neuter)

Noun / Plural / Endings


Personal Pronouns

Possessive Article

Possessive Article: mein – my

Possessive Article: dein – your

Possessive Article: sein – his

Possessive Article: unser – our

Possessive Article: euer – your

Possessive Article: ihr – your

Possessive Article: Ihr – your (formal)

Preposition + Article: am, im, bei, zum, vom, ins, ans, zur

Prepositions / Accusative

Prepositions / Dative

Prepositions / Genitive

Prepositions – am – im – um

Prepositions – local (German)

Prepositions – temporal (German)

Pronouns (German)

Reflexive Verbs

 Relative Pronouns



Verbs – haben (to have) / sein (to be)

Verbs – Modal verbs: dürfen (have the permission), können (can), möchten (would like to), mögen (like), müssen (must / have to), sollen (should), wollen (want to)

Verbs + Preposition

Verbs + Preposition (Dative)

Verbs + Preposition (Accusative)

Verbs – sitzen / setzen (sit / put)

Verbs – werden (become / be)

Seperable Verbs

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s-sch se-st t u v w x y z

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: a – b

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: c – f

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: k – m

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: n – r

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: s – sch

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: se – st

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: t – v

Irregular Verbs: Stammformen: w – z

Irregular Verbs / Exercise


Reach us for a 30 minutes free counselling session to make sure that you are choosing the right course!

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