German Language Level A1 - Le Maple German Academy
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Le Maple German Academy

German Language Level A1

German Language Level A1. According to the Goethe Institute’s standard format, there are six levels of the German language: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The first level is A1, and many people believe that it is a very basic level in which we will not learn much. But I think we should go over exactly what you’ll be learning at the A1 level. So, in this section, we will go over the German A1 level step by step. Previously, these levels were standard and created by the Goethe Institute in Germany. A1 also covers a few basic grammar topics as well as grammar applications in everyday life, such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

I will advise you to read the entire article so that you have a thorough understanding of A1. The first topic we’ll cover is grammar.

The following topics are covered in German A1 grammar:

• Basic Phrases

 • Numbers

 • Articles (definite and indefinite)

 • Singular and plural nouns

 • Verbs and verb conjugation

 • Possessive pronouns

 • Sentence formation

 • Trennbare verbs

 • Modal verbs

 • Interrogative sentences

• Cases

• Prepositions

 • Partizip II (Past tense)

and a few others.

Goethe Institute recommends a few reference books such as Tangram, Studio D, or Netzwerk (Netzwerk is currently being used) and in the future, some other books from different Publications will be recommended, but the majority of the books will have almost syllabus. . Few things will be different, but nearly 80% of the content will be the same.

Let’s get into the meat of the matter:

Lesson 1: How to introduce yourself, talk about yourself, and be introduced to others. Inquiring about their names, where they live, where they came from, their ages, languages, and countries.

Lesson 2: Describe cities, places, and famous buildings in cities. Also, transportation and directions.

Lesson 3: Interests, friends, family, occupation, weekdays, months, dates, and time.

Lesson 4. Food and drink are covered in this lesson . Discussing taste, different food items, names, and placing an order in a restaurant, as well as paying bills. Also discussed are groceries, stores, purchasing groceries, and price comparisons.

Lesson 5: Hobbies, habits, planning activities together, discussing places or programmes to attend.

Lesson 6: Discussing daily routines from morning to evening, discussing weekly or monthly schedules, using verbs, and framing questions.

Lesson 7: Workplace communication, including talking with coworkers, writing emails, discussing the work schedule, meetings, and telephonic communication.

Lesson 8: House types and regular communication about houses, apartments, furniture, floor plans, renting a house in Germany, describing a house or apartment with adjectives

Lesson 9: Shopping, types of stores, online shopping, talking about stores, going to a mall, buying things, and discussing clothing prices, size, shape, colour, and brands.

Lesson 10: How to Talk About Health, Communicating with Doctors, Scheduling Appointments, Discussing Health Issues, and Discussing Diet Plans

Lesson 11: Traveling, booking tickets, and staying in hotels. Talking about hotel rooms and services, as well as tourist destinations in various countries.

Lesson 12: Other related topics

In de kindertijd, toen een waakzame moeder haar ogen sloot met haar hand of helemaal niet gedwongen om de kamer te verlaten op de te Frank -scènes van de film, heb je daar waarschijnlijk van gedroomd als je opgroeide, je deze scènes zeker volledig zult kamagra kopen En niet alleen om te kijken, maar ook te herhalen. En we geloven en ik hoop dat iets dat je erin slaagde om jezelf te maken (misschien niet eens één, maar met een partner).

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